beeldmark: cooking rice for ricecakes
beeldmark: preparation for the next round of mochi
beeldmark: gently pressing the rice
beeldmark: Is the rice cooked already?
beeldmark: Sounding the New Year's bell #2
beeldmark: altar, temple, New Year
beeldmark: At the temple: getting warm
beeldmark: At the temple: e-mailing their friends
beeldmark: At the temple: waiting
beeldmark: Sounding the New Year's bell
beeldmark: Strolling to the Shinto Shrine for New Year's prayers
beeldmark: New Year's day: washing hands before praying
beeldmark: Shrine Entrance Decoration, New Year's day
beeldmark: New Year's day, washing hands before prayer
beeldmark: New Year's Prayer in Japan
beeldmark: Fortune telling at New Year's day, #1: Mama, what does it say?
beeldmark: Fortune telling at New Year's day, #2
beeldmark: mochitsuki (batting the rice)
beeldmark: cutting the mochi