Beeke...: In the evening light...
Beeke...: Two sides...
Beeke...: The shadow...
Beeke...: Shadow geometry...
Beeke...: Urban geometry...
Beeke...: January pleasures...
Beeke...: The old wall and her shadows...
Beeke...: Rio terra dei Saloni...
Beeke...: Last year's laundry...and Happy New Year to all :-)
Beeke...: Laundry...
Beeke...: The little flower pot...
Beeke...: Colors of Burano...
Beeke...: Burano...
Beeke...: Burano...
Beeke...: Colors...and light...
Beeke...: Sonnenzeichen...
Beeke...: Venice
Beeke...: Schattenspiele...
Beeke...: Intrusive...
Beeke...: Untitled
Beeke...: The chimney...
Beeke...: Contrasts...and tensions
Beeke...: Beach abstract...
Beeke...: Untitled...
Beeke...: Untitled..
Beeke...: ...and then there is that pole
Beeke...: "Lunching" in White Rock...
Beeke...: Schattenspiele...II
Beeke...: Window shopping...
Beeke...: Vancouver---Gastown