BJ Flaherty: Baby Squirrel
BJ Flaherty: Baby Squirrel 02
BJ Flaherty: Baby Squirrel 03
BJ Flaherty: Baby Squirrel 04
BJ Flaherty: Maisie - 2005
BJ Flaherty: Sunny and Grampa - 2006
BJ Flaherty: Who's out there?
BJ Flaherty: Squirrel - 2005
BJ Flaherty: Squirrel
BJ Flaherty: Squirrel takes a sniff
BJ Flaherty: Teshi - 2006
BJ Flaherty: Squirrel
BJ Flaherty: Boo adding a decorative touch...12/07
BJ Flaherty: Roxie loves her rawhide
BJ Flaherty: Maisie 2007
BJ Flaherty: Chairman Miao
BJ Flaherty: All are welcome at 514
BJ Flaherty: Greyhounds at Borders
BJ Flaherty: We need a home
BJ Flaherty: Gus--Waif #1
BJ Flaherty: Little waif #2
BJ Flaherty: Haha...I'm warm and dry and you're not!!!
BJ Flaherty: Please let me in...
BJ Flaherty: Look into my eyes...........
BJ Flaherty: Are you still here?
BJ Flaherty: The aliens have landed!
BJ Flaherty: Teshi, Fuzzy and Ayla 11/07
BJ Flaherty: Sunshine in a Basket 11/07