beegee74: ZFD KL
beegee74: guess who KL
beegee74: View from Duxton Pinnacle's sky walk
beegee74: view from our friends' place
beegee74: fireworks on the river
beegee74: calm, preview
beegee74: sky scrapers galore
beegee74: the show is on
beegee74: the purple version
beegee74: beers at LeVeL33
beegee74: before and (almost) after - sunday brunch
beegee74: hindu temple - corporate background
beegee74: Singapore Buddha Tooth Relic Temple
beegee74: des in temple-compatible gear
beegee74: offerings
beegee74: statues
beegee74: dried goods guild
beegee74: this is how you start...
beegee74: we love SG
beegee74: breakfast view
beegee74: don't look
beegee74: The Pinnacle@Duxton
beegee74: playing in the shadows of giants
beegee74: looking up
beegee74: looking down
beegee74: hazy panoramic view
beegee74: for those who need to get even higher
beegee74: getting grilled, way up high
beegee74: pinnacle@duxton
beegee74: berjaya office in SG