beegee74: welcome to veprinac
beegee74: checking out the view
beegee74: the first of many...
beegee74: quite the panorama
beegee74: customer hair curtain??
beegee74: the man with the stache
beegee74: dragon slayer
beegee74: venetian campanile
beegee74: the human sun sponge
beegee74: blue 22
beegee74: prolaz vincenta od kastva
beegee74: baaaaad weather
beegee74: tartinijev trg
beegee74: shadows on red
beegee74: lollipop
beegee74: my girl and her coffee
beegee74: light in the dark
beegee74: cheese, slovenia style
beegee74: fishing for an old guy
beegee74: porec
beegee74: rovinj
beegee74: arena - amphitheater
beegee74: croatian reflection
beegee74: textile fuel and the arch
beegee74: market hall
beegee74: flag that sunset
beegee74: showtime!
beegee74: arches galore
beegee74: roman empire - in the gutter
beegee74: for ludovic...