beegee74: no ice cream break
beegee74: warm-up
beegee74: Desirée...
beegee74: new vs. old
beegee74: Karina - so much for Coca-Cola's invigorating effect
beegee74: jimi & me by ian
beegee74: Mark
beegee74: Carlo
beegee74: Nick
beegee74: Jo's watch
beegee74: Nikonian
beegee74: signature smile
beegee74: Karina awake again
beegee74: Mr. Cool
beegee74: me by desirée
beegee74: Ian shooting Bruno shooting Mark
beegee74: funky weather
beegee74: Bruno of Stevans
beegee74: Yvan of Stevans
beegee74: Bruno
beegee74: Yvan
beegee74: the loudest stairs in Lausanne...
beegee74: Karina & Ian
beegee74: Jo & Mark
beegee74: that last one was too much...
beegee74: Ian - just in case you didn't recognize him...