Beefus: Right ankle broken. Knee, torn ACL.
Beefus: Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention
Beefus: Nothing Says Friendship Like Calcium Supplements
Beefus: Step one completed. Performance tests pending.
Beefus: I Learned A New Song Today...
Beefus: Oops...that doesn't look like ochre!
Beefus: Well, now, at least I know
Beefus: Already Fell Back. Now Springing Forward.
Beefus: Waiting to fly
Beefus: The Look Should Have Told Me...
Beefus: I break, but do not bend
Beefus: Holding on, pushing forward and waiting
Beefus: 186,000
Beefus: I Left Instructions To Avoid Confusion
Beefus: Yes, It Was A Little Drafty
Beefus: "Cinco de Mayo" blends were available
Beefus: ACL Replaced. Kneehab Regimen Begins Anew
Beefus: New Readin' Material Came Ridin' In
Beefus: Introducing, "Morty"
Beefus: "What Are You Doing To Yourself?"
Beefus: ʍou ǝsuǝs ʇɔǝɟɹǝd sǝʞɐɯ llɐ ʇı
Beefus: Chicanery
Beefus: She's Regretting Buying The Fishing License
Beefus: With additional support he continued searching