Beefus: And Now For Something Completely Different
Beefus: Psychedelic Pshroomage
Beefus: Doppelgangic Manzanita And Poison Oak Under Midday Sun
Beefus: Exfoliating Manzanita
Beefus: Guest Speaker At The Corn Lily Convention
Beefus: The Infamous Yosemite "Lizard Head Tree"
Beefus: Incensed Cedar
Beefus: Sushi Tree - Raw And Dead
Beefus: The Infamous Yosemite “Kissing Tree”
Beefus: Leftover From The 4th Of July
Beefus: It Really Didn't Look Like This In Person
Beefus: The Color (And Spelling) Of Dispair...
Beefus: Red Bull
Beefus: The Face Looks Familiar...
Beefus: Say "Hello" To Mr. Bluefoot
Beefus: Bracing For The Oncoming Slaughter
Beefus: To Some It Will Be Obvious...
Beefus: Eye Chihuahua!
Beefus: Black and White and Red all over - An homage to lost photos
Beefus: Cottonwood Grove
Beefus: He Finally Got Too Close To The Edge
Beefus: Waiting For My Head To Clear
Beefus: I Had A Nightmare...
Beefus: Olive-Sided Flycatcher Sittin’ In A Tree…
Beefus: Seussian Ortonizing
Beefus: Orton Hears A Hue
Beefus: Ortonacious Orby Glow
Beefus: Ah-HAH! Look Who's Up On The Ledge Now!
Beefus: Hmmmm...He Was Here Just A Second Ago?
Beefus: A Lasting Impression