Beefus: Here's the Beef!
Beefus: Double Whopper
Beefus: Haychucker Mom
Beefus: Cow Lick
Beefus: SBC Cattle
Beefus: Sorry I Ate Your Cousin
Beefus: Bothersome Bird
Beefus: Beef Bent Branch
Beefus: Bovine Blizzard
Beefus: Cowabunga
Beefus: Get Me A Knife And Fork...QUICK!
Beefus: I Thought This Was Supposed To Be A Costume Party?
Beefus: Looking For Number 62
Beefus: Cowch Potato
Beefus: Lack Of Mootivation
Beefus: Oh Bovine, Where Art Thou?
Beefus: Red Bull
Beefus: Moving Away From The Norm
Beefus: That's Good Advice!
Beefus: Beef Jerky
Beefus: Interloping Antelope
Beefus: Dally’s Lack Of Knowledge Saddened Hortence
Beefus: He'd Take No Chances This Time
Beefus: Clark Gable
Beefus: Back By Eleven
Beefus: Blue Hued Mooed Mood
Beefus: Shy Of A Dozen
Beefus: Lactose Intolerance
Beefus: "Wanna Buy Some Steaks", He Asked?
Beefus: Discownsolate