beeblebear: 336/366 - A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
beeblebear: 337/366 - A man can be himself only so long as he is alone.
beeblebear: 338/366 - Going so soon? I wouldn't hear of it...
beeblebear: 339/366 - Pennington Flash
beeblebear: 340/366 - Bob, bob, bobbing...
beeblebear: 341/366 - Car
beeblebear: 342/366 - Festive Jen
beeblebear: 343/366 - Unlock
beeblebear: 344/366 - People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.
beeblebear: 344/366 - At the canal side
beeblebear: 346/366 - The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.
beeblebear: 347/366 - 30 minute limit
beeblebear: 348/366 - Pine Cones
beeblebear: 349/366 - Further scenes from a car window
beeblebear: 350/366 - Lyme Hall
beeblebear: 351/366 - Moss
beeblebear: 352/366 - The end?
beeblebear: 353/366 - Louise
beeblebear: 354/366 - The Thomas Burke
beeblebear: 355/366 - Three concrete windows.
beeblebear: 356/366 - The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.
beeblebear: 357/366 - Run, run as fast as you can...
beeblebear: 358/366 - Pennington Flash
beeblebear: 359/366 - Merry Christmas
beeblebear: 360/366 - First Bike
beeblebear: 361/366 - Smile
beeblebear: 362/366 - View from the Lowry
beeblebear: 363/366 - Decisions
beeblebear: 364/366 - Another wine glass
beeblebear: 365/366 - Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes, hasten to their end.