ruline: albert and benny
ruline: glasgow
ruline: dogs
ruline: karen strangled
ruline: those kids
ruline: becky in motion
ruline: steven and albert
ruline: very catcher in the rye sign
ruline: Wing Yang Elderly Group
ruline: alberts new job
ruline: puppy in a phone booth
ruline: benny
ruline: benny and jane
ruline: dont mess with us
ruline: dancing to the indian music
ruline: forced hiking shot
ruline: glasgow botanical gardens
ruline: glasgow street
ruline: glasgow school of art
ruline: glasgow school of art
ruline: karen and the many marshmallows
ruline: waiting for the train
ruline: were not paying attention..
ruline: sheep statue
ruline: moffat
ruline: moffat
ruline: Albert House
ruline: road shots
ruline: albert and the road
ruline: karen at moto playground