Becky Matsubara:
Red Phalarope
Becky Matsubara:
Red Phalarope
Becky Matsubara:
Red Phalarope
Becky Matsubara:
Hermit Thrush in the rain
Becky Matsubara:
Killdeer (m & f)
Becky Matsubara:
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Becky Matsubara:
Golden-crowned Sparrow eating plum blossoms
Becky Matsubara:
Double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Becky Matsubara:
Double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Becky Matsubara:
Double-crested Cormorant trying to swallow a fish.
Becky Matsubara:
Hermit Thrush
Becky Matsubara:
Spotted Towhee
Becky Matsubara:
Spotted Towhee
Becky Matsubara:
Northern Mockingbird (Leucistic)
Becky Matsubara:
Townsend's Warbler
Becky Matsubara:
Townsend's Warbler
Becky Matsubara:
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)
Becky Matsubara:
Costa's Hummingbird (m)
Becky Matsubara:
Costa's Hummingbird (m)
Becky Matsubara:
Acorn Woodpecker (f) with pink eyes
Becky Matsubara:
Green-tailed Towhee