Becky Matsubara: Bell's Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Bell's Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Brewer's Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Chipping Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Becky Matsubara: Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Becky Matsubara: Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Becky Matsubara: Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Becky Matsubara: Fox Sparrow (Sooty)
Becky Matsubara: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Golden-crowned Sparrow (immature)
Becky Matsubara: Golden-crowned Sparrow (Immature)
Becky Matsubara: Golden-crowned Sparrow perched on Coyote Bush
Becky Matsubara: Golden-crowned Sparrow with blackberry smeared bill
Becky Matsubara: House Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: House Sparrow (m), Breeding Plumage
Becky Matsubara: House Sparrow (m), breeding plumage
Becky Matsubara: Lark Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Lark Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Lark Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Lincoln's Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Lincoln's Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Nelson's Sparrow (Not a particularly good photo, but this bird is the first Nelson's Sparrow ever recorded in Contra Costa County)
Becky Matsubara: Nelson's Sparrow (Not a particularly good photo, but this bird is the first Nelson's Sparrow ever recorded in Contra Costa County)
Becky Matsubara: Rufous-collared Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Sagebrush Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Savannah Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Savannah Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Savannah Sparrow
Becky Matsubara: Savannah Sparrow