Becky Matsubara: Cinnamon Teal (m)
Becky Matsubara: Yellow-headed Blackbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Yellow-headed Blackbird (f) collecting nesting material from reeds
Becky Matsubara: Eared Grebe (breeding plumage) catching a fly
Becky Matsubara: Eared Grebe (breeding plumage)
Becky Matsubara: Eared Grebe Courting Display
Becky Matsubara: Eared Grebes courting display
Becky Matsubara: Clark's Grebes "Rushing" Courtship Display
Becky Matsubara: Clark's Grebes
Becky Matsubara: Killdeer
Becky Matsubara: Western Meadow Lark
Becky Matsubara: Bald Eagle
Becky Matsubara: Bald Eagle
Becky Matsubara: Red-winged Blackbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Tricolored Blackbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Brewer's Blackbird (f) with lunch
Becky Matsubara: White-faced Ibis, Breeding Plumage
Becky Matsubara: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Becky Matsubara: Yellow-headed Blackbird (m) with a "few" insects flying around.
Becky Matsubara: Red-winged Blackbird (f)
Becky Matsubara: Sandhill Crane
Becky Matsubara: Red-tailed Hawk with damaged eye?
Becky Matsubara: Red-tailed Hawk
Becky Matsubara: Western Grebe
Becky Matsubara: Clark's Grebe
Becky Matsubara: Clark's Grebe
Becky Matsubara: Yellow-headed Blackbird (m)
Becky Matsubara: Red-winged Blackbird (f)
Becky Matsubara: Tree Swallow