Becky Haltermon Robinson: Who wants a peek inside my #lingerie drawer?
Becky Haltermon Robinson: @susieshins gave me a free #Avon #lipstick sample and it rules! One step closer to dressing like I'm on #MySoCalledLife.
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Erhmagerd! Shnurggles! #kittylovins #catcuddles #helovesit
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Fortune Cookie
Becky Haltermon Robinson: I'm buying all my #beauty products from the #toystore from now on.
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Whose turn is it to launder the #cat?
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Sometimes, #environmental #education stinks!
Becky Haltermon Robinson: I can't even. Oh. #adorable #cat #nap
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour
Becky Haltermon Robinson: I was sad to hear Mandy left @parlourcincinnati but I LOVE what Ivette did to my #hair.
Becky Haltermon Robinson: Playing Card Portrait