beckycat: Day 96: Modeling her new onesie for "Artsie Fartsy Baby"
beckycat: wanna kiss those cheeks????
beckycat: Day 97: Cheeks McGee with Grandpa
beckycat: After running with Dad in the stroller (or passing through a wind tunnel - you decide)
beckycat: Day 98: Tasty hands
beckycat: Day 99: Just enough time to sneak in one photo tonight
beckycat: Day 100: 100 days old!!
beckycat: Day 101: Always full of smiles
beckycat: Day 102: Shedding a single tear before falling asleep
beckycat: Day 103: Sleeping in with Dad
beckycat: Discovering the wonder that is tissue paper
beckycat: Day 104: Getting the binky from Joss
beckycat: Day 105: Calling my agent
beckycat: Day 106: Watching the news with Grumpy
beckycat: Day 107: Who looks just like mama in this pic???
beckycat: Day 108: Off to spend the day with GREAT Granny!
beckycat: Day 109: All clean and shiny
beckycat: Day 95: Baby blue eyes
beckycat: Day 94: Rubber ducky, you're the one
beckycat: Day 84: First nap at Grandpa's house
beckycat: Day 85: Ready for Granny and Grumpy's
beckycat: Snugglekins
beckycat: Those eyes!
beckycat: Totally passed out on the couch
beckycat: What is all this headband-alfalfa business?
beckycat: Heard the phrase, "raised by wolves"?
beckycat: Day 86: Lulu!
beckycat: Lucy and Grandpa
beckycat: Day 93: Like my cardi?
beckycat: Day 91: Good morning, sunshine