beckster: dad and josh put up toilet signs for man and beast
beckster: hairy man from the band
beckster: half the band were there at the start
beckster: people by the pool watching the band
beckster: stella dances in front of the band for everyone
beckster: stella and her boyfriend thomas being naughty
beckster: the rest of the band turn up
beckster: mum dancing with the neighbour from over the road
beckster: little pickle
beckster: mum at it again
beckster: him with the hair and a tamborine
beckster: mum dancing with him with the hair
beckster: never give old people maracas
beckster: never give old people maracas
beckster: james gets a maraca
beckster: james shaking his money maker and the maraca
beckster: mum and james dancing
beckster: him with the hair went in the pool
beckster: him with the hair went in the pool
beckster: james was still shaking his money maker the next day