Beckerbuns: Misty on the way to the shoot
Beckerbuns: The boys on the way to the shoot
Beckerbuns: Ricky in wardrobe
Beckerbuns: Andrew and Misty with the set teacher
Beckerbuns: Ricky in wardrobe
Beckerbuns: The video interview set, waiting
Beckerbuns: Ricky waiting for the action
Beckerbuns: Ricky having still photos taken
Beckerbuns: Ricky having still photos taken
Beckerbuns: Misty running around
Beckerbuns: Misty and Andrew on the swing
Beckerbuns: Misty hanging!
Beckerbuns: Ricky waiting for his video interview
Beckerbuns: Ricky doing his video interview
Beckerbuns: Ricky doing his video interview
Beckerbuns: Misty playing
Beckerbuns: The crew while Ricky played soccer
Beckerbuns: Misty watching with the set teacher
Beckerbuns: Ricky and Andrew playing soccer while being filmed
Beckerbuns: Andrew and Ricky playing soccer while being filmed
Beckerbuns: Misty with the set teacher
Beckerbuns: Ricky and Misty play soccer while being filmed