Beckerbuns: Mayor Reed, City Librarian Jane Light, and Councilmember Pierluigi Oliveiro
Beckerbuns: Mayor Reed, City Librarian Jane Light, and Councilmember Pierluigi Oliveiro
Beckerbuns: Mayor Reed, City Librarian Jane Light, and Councilmember Pierluigi Oliveiro
Beckerbuns: Mayor Reed, City Librarian Jane Light, and Councilmember Pierluigi Oliveiro
Beckerbuns: Me with the big scissors!!! BIIIIIG SCISSORS!!!!
Beckerbuns: Crowd of patrons in the newly opened library.
Beckerbuns: Crowd of patrons in the newly opened library.
Beckerbuns: The crowd enters the branch after the ribbon is cut.
Beckerbuns: Conroy Cougar with some kids
Beckerbuns: Crowd waiting for the Willow Glen Branch Library to open