Tom Becht: 01 Entering Collins Valley
Tom Becht: 02 Climbing Palms Benchmark
Tom Becht: 03 Everyone has staked out their own summit block
Tom Becht: 04 Karl & Bob framed by sunrise
Tom Becht: 05 Marching up Elder Benchmark
Tom Becht: 06 Everyone has to share the single summit block
Tom Becht: 07 However Bob wants his own
Tom Becht: 08 The final assault on Collins Benchmark
Tom Becht: 10 Summit of Peak 4695
Tom Becht: 09 Collins from Peak 4695
Tom Becht: 11 San Gorgonio
Tom Becht: 12 Peak 4695 summit register
Tom Becht: 13 and log
Tom Becht: 14 Knob Benchmark on the descent
Tom Becht: 15 Squaretop Benchmark that I thought Bob and Adam were climbing
Tom Becht: 16 Register on Knob
Tom Becht: 17 Fortuitous spring just after running out of water
Tom Becht: 18 Met up with the gang within 5 minutes of hitting Sheep Canyon
Tom Becht: 19 Palm trees
Tom Becht: 20 Lots of cool scrambling
Tom Becht: 21 Next morning climbing Grapevine
Tom Becht: 22 On top of Grapevine
Tom Becht: 23 Six weeks later back with Bob in AB
Tom Becht: 24 Horny toad
Tom Becht: 25 Bob and Derek
Tom Becht: 26 Climbing Indian Benchmark
Tom Becht: 27 Bob silhouetted on Indian false peak
Tom Becht: 28 Climbing up to Moan Benchmark
Tom Becht: 29 Nice scrambling
Tom Becht: 30 Bob signing the register