Tom Becht: 00 Whitney Main Trail Map
Tom Becht: 01 Cory is smiling
Tom Becht: 02 Four liters and 30 Cliff bars
Tom Becht: 03 Crossing the North Fork
Tom Becht: 04 Reunited with Jeremiah
Tom Becht: 05 Endless switchbacks
Tom Becht: 06 After Lone Pine Lake
Tom Becht: 07 Cory isnt smiling anymore
Tom Becht: 08 Monique digs snow
Tom Becht: 09 Rob takes a break
Tom Becht: 10 United with Group 1
Tom Becht: 11 Mt Muir
Tom Becht: 12 Tomorrows snow slope
Tom Becht: 13 Last light on Mt McAdie
Tom Becht: 14 Linguini with clam sauce
Tom Becht: 15 Overachiever
Tom Becht: 16 The group prepares to break up
Tom Becht: 17 The love nesters
Tom Becht: 18 Early risers
Tom Becht: 19 Our goal
Tom Becht: 20 John follows for the last time
Tom Becht: 21 The snow slope
Tom Becht: 22 John starts going
Tom Becht: 23 Going
Tom Becht: 24 Going
Tom Becht: 25 Gone
Tom Becht: 26 Monique and Pete at a more leisurely pace
Tom Becht: 27 Our camp
Tom Becht: 28 The slope from the crest
Tom Becht: 29 On the backside trail