beccafromportland: Mary Cox Beard
beccafromportland: Virginia Epheline Beard Killian
beccafromportland: Dr. Paul Beard & Mary Cox Beard
beccafromportland: Henry D. & Elizabeth Gray Nichols
beccafromportland: LEVI BEARD
beccafromportland: Alfie and Ginny
beccafromportland: Mother, Cecelia & Ory
beccafromportland: Rebecca Benson Beard (L)
beccafromportland: Uncle Bill
beccafromportland: Nichols Reunion, Lynn, Indiana
beccafromportland: Bryant, Indiana Band
beccafromportland: Cecelia Johanna Fitzmaurice
beccafromportland: Alice Beard - 1918
beccafromportland: Alice Rebecca Beard & sister Virginia Beard Killian. 1917
beccafromportland: Alice Beard
beccafromportland: Alice Beard James Young
beccafromportland: Ory & Cecelia
beccafromportland: Alice Beard James Young
beccafromportland: Alice Rebecca Beard James Young
beccafromportland: Grandmother, Cecelia Fitzmaurice Beard.
beccafromportland: Grandmother Beard and friends.
beccafromportland: Rebecca Benson Beard
beccafromportland: Grandmother Beard and Friends
beccafromportland: Nichols Beard
beccafromportland: Alice Rebecca Beard - 1917
beccafromportland: Alice 1918
beccafromportland: Alice Beard
beccafromportland: Beard-back-of-316.
beccafromportland: Levi Beard House