beccafromportland: Meadow Fritillary
beccafromportland: Cabbage White Butterfly
beccafromportland: Honeybee on Coneflower
beccafromportland: Bee on Lavender
beccafromportland: Question Mark Butterfly
beccafromportland: Sulphur Butterfly
beccafromportland: Pearly Crescentspot on Mint
beccafromportland: Ground Zero
beccafromportland: Grasshopper
beccafromportland: Honey, I'm Home
beccafromportland: Painted Lady Butterfly
beccafromportland: Female Orb Weaver & Ladybug
beccafromportland: Woolly Bear at Loblolly
beccafromportland: Cabbage White Butterfly on Red Clover
beccafromportland: The Bees Knees
beccafromportland: Monarch Caterpillar
beccafromportland: Monarch Chrysalis
beccafromportland: Monarch Caterpillar at Limberlost Cabin
beccafromportland: A Monarch Emerges
beccafromportland: Meadow Fritillary
beccafromportland: Silver Spotted Skipper and Dwarf Lilac
beccafromportland: Pennsylvania Leatherwing or Goldenrod Soldier Beetle On Stonecrop
beccafromportland: Bee on Stonecrop
beccafromportland: Giant Swallowtail
beccafromportland: Silver Spotted Skipper
beccafromportland: Red-spotted Purple