pandaparables: view from hotel
pandaparables: another view from hotel
pandaparables: i won $50...
pandaparables: fun with blurry lights
pandaparables: eating leftover indian food
pandaparables: indian food
pandaparables: fistful of rice
pandaparables: "what should i do with it?"
pandaparables: let's throw the rice!
pandaparables: throwing rice
pandaparables: rice time
pandaparables: fun with rice
pandaparables: rice on the lap
pandaparables: "why'd we do that?"
pandaparables: rice stuck on my foot
pandaparables: obligatory feet in the water shot
pandaparables: mr. cool
pandaparables: heh heh!
pandaparables: outside
pandaparables: clear water!
pandaparables: palm trees
pandaparables: katie palm tree
pandaparables: us in bahamas 1