bebeting: in the crowd
bebeting: pantages cocktails
bebeting: the hollywood & highland center fountain
bebeting: marlboro bus stop
bebeting: Taft Bldg
bebeting: pantages theatre
bebeting: Quick Chipotle - Purse Phone Drink Salad
bebeting: hollywood crosswalk
bebeting: w pantages
bebeting: Subway Hollywood/Vine
bebeting: highland & hollywood center
bebeting: Firemallow Happy Hour @ Gyu-Kaku Westfield Topanga
bebeting: sometimes it seems like nothing is...
bebeting: walken
bebeting: whereisblueskyblue
bebeting: Roasted Seaweed & Cream Cheese watching a video posted by friend on Droid X
bebeting: wednesday capture
bebeting: taro banana original
bebeting: Mind to Metal
bebeting: pls don't eat me!
bebeting: lake piru kiss
bebeting: Libra 07/2010-02/26/2011
bebeting: february fridays
bebeting: his low calorie dinner
bebeting: boba & baby snail
bebeting: -1.75L & -1.50R (Left-eye making up for Right-one?)
bebeting: underblueskyblue
bebeting: underblacktreeblack
bebeting: Power-Up Mushroom
bebeting: leaving las vegas with a kings game on his lap