bebejack: miuzi
bebejack: miuzi
bebejack: kojiro says "meow"
bebejack: meow
bebejack: kojiro
bebejack: kojiro
bebejack: SWEET AS A NUT
bebejack: SWEET AS A NUT
bebejack: OH! MY! GOSH!
bebejack: carbon
bebejack: an eyeball for an eyeball
bebejack: an eyeball for an eyeball
bebejack: swoosh
bebejack: gwor yee
bebejack: we must protect our brains
bebejack: i miss christmas already
bebejack: belated birthday present for my bro @jydoggie
bebejack: lucha libre
bebejack: ¡Ay, caramba! i did another one today
bebejack: dan dan
bebejack: meow
bebejack: first time sewing on ribbon, turns out it's harder than i thought. they are initials of the bride and groom for a flower bouquet