Beauty Hunter...: Fight for food
Beauty Hunter...: Flamingos
Beauty Hunter...: At Sea World
Beauty Hunter...: Lonely pelican
Beauty Hunter...: Peaceful coexistence
Beauty Hunter...: They love to pose in front of my camera
Beauty Hunter...: Dove attack
Beauty Hunter...: Dove's sky
Beauty Hunter...: Underwater of Catalina island
Beauty Hunter...: Flight over the beach
Beauty Hunter...: Sunset and seagull
Beauty Hunter...: Resting birds
Beauty Hunter...: Perfect beauty
Beauty Hunter...: Three friends
Beauty Hunter...: Stricken by sun
Beauty Hunter...: Ballet on air
Beauty Hunter...: Face to face
Beauty Hunter...: Squadron of pelicans
Beauty Hunter...: Did you ever dreamed about flying?
Beauty Hunter...: "Where to land?"
Beauty Hunter...: "I'm the boss!"
Beauty Hunter...: Wings are most important
Beauty Hunter...: I love flight...
Beauty Hunter...: Summer refuses to give-up
Beauty Hunter...: Over the waves
Beauty Hunter...: Airborne!