beauty_goodness_truth: summer 130:366
beauty_goodness_truth: all hail the slice 140:366
beauty_goodness_truth: life is just. . . 141:366
beauty_goodness_truth: smile 147:366
beauty_goodness_truth: useless BAM! {46/52}
beauty_goodness_truth: clover 149:366
beauty_goodness_truth: watering 151:366
beauty_goodness_truth: popsicle 155:366
beauty_goodness_truth: sighting 156:366 (+ one in comments)
beauty_goodness_truth: catty nine tails
beauty_goodness_truth: snapshot 157:366
beauty_goodness_truth: sky blue 161:366
beauty_goodness_truth: mint blossoms 162:366
beauty_goodness_truth: brave 165:366
beauty_goodness_truth: echinacea 167:366
beauty_goodness_truth: went to a garden party 172:366
beauty_goodness_truth: transience 175:366
beauty_goodness_truth: hangin' 176:366
beauty_goodness_truth: summer corn 177:366
beauty_goodness_truth: peek 178:366
beauty_goodness_truth: sand mirror 179:366
beauty_goodness_truth: wide open 180:366
beauty_goodness_truth: longing 181:366
beauty_goodness_truth: tired 191:366
beauty_goodness_truth: sunset 195:366
beauty_goodness_truth: pit stop 200:366
beauty_goodness_truth: improvements 202:366
beauty_goodness_truth: jump 212:366
beauty_goodness_truth: passion BAM! 50/52 213:366