Colour: Hustling through the Tunnel at Chicago O'Hare
Colour: O'Hare Yellow Neon
Colour: O'Hare Ceiling Reflections
Colour: O'Hare Tunnel: the Warm Side
Colour: Bulfinch Gate House
Colour: Doorway at Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
Colour: Niche at the National Gallery of Art
Colour: Federal Trade Commission
Colour: Federal Trade Commission
Colour: Steamy Tree
Colour: Shops at Union Station
Colour: Detail at the Shops at Union Station
Colour: Union Station Ceiling Detail
Colour: Roman Legionnaires Watch over Union Station
Colour: Scallops
Colour: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
Colour: Woodrow Wilson Plaza in the Rain
Colour: "Four-Sided Pyramid" Sculpture
Colour: Needle Tower
Colour: Jefferson Memorial
Colour: Jefferson Memorial
Colour: Washington Monument from the Jeffferson Memorial
Colour: Over Lincoln's Head
Colour: If I'd Known. . .
Colour: Pilot at Chicago O'Hare Airport
Colour: Obligatory Snap of Union Station, Washington
Colour: Steamy Sparrows