BugsAlive: Papilio clytia - the Common Mime
BugsAlive: Spalgis epius - the Apefly (female)
BugsAlive: Ochlodes brahma - the Himalayan Forest Darter
BugsAlive: Mimathyma ambica - the Indian Purple Emperor (male)
BugsAlive: Tagiades litigiosa - the Water Snow Flat
BugsAlive: Byasa adamsoni - Adamson's Rose
BugsAlive: Cheritra freja - the Common Imperial
BugsAlive: Tyria jacobaeae - The Cinnabar
BugsAlive: The young photographer
BugsAlive: Iphiclides podalirius - the Scarce Swallowtail
BugsAlive: Junonia lemonias - the Lemon Pansy
BugsAlive: Hypolycaena amasa - the Fluffy Tit (male)
BugsAlive: Oedipoda caerulescens - the Blue-winged Grasshopper
BugsAlive: Doleschallia bisaltide - the Autumn Leaf
BugsAlive: Euthalia lubentina - the Gaudy Baron
BugsAlive: Lexias pardalis - the Archduke (male)
BugsAlive: Graphosoma italicum - the Minstrel Bug
BugsAlive: Delias descombesi - the Red-spot Jezebel
BugsAlive: Lycaena virgaureae - the Scarce Copper (male)
BugsAlive: Lycaena alciphron - the Purple-shot Copper (male)
BugsAlive: Rapala pheretima - the Copper Flash
BugsAlive: Dodona egeon - the Orange Punch (male)
BugsAlive: Hesperia comma - the Silver-spotted Skipper
BugsAlive: Chorthippus parallelus - the Meadow Grasshopper (female)
BugsAlive: Neptis cartica - the Plain Sailer
BugsAlive: Vespa tropica - the Greater Banded Hornet
BugsAlive: Pararge aegeria - the Speckled Wood
BugsAlive: Hypolycaena amasa - the Fluffy Tit
BugsAlive: Cepora nerissa - the Common Gull (dry season form)
BugsAlive: Chersonesia risa - the Common Maplet