Beau Ramsey:
Below The Summit Of Mt Persis
Beau Ramsey:
Views west at dusk
Beau Ramsey:
Dusk on Persis
Beau Ramsey:
Sunset behind Pt 5,017'
Beau Ramsey:
Looking Southwest at dusk
Beau Ramsey:
Alpenglow and sun star through the trees.
Beau Ramsey:
Evening Tarns covered in snow
Beau Ramsey:
Below The Summit Of Mt Persis
Beau Ramsey:
Descending into the setting sun
Beau Ramsey:
Ascending above the tarns
Beau Ramsey:
Tony traverses above the Tarns
Beau Ramsey:
Rainier Panorama
Beau Ramsey:
Tony taking a break
Beau Ramsey:
West Ridge Of Index
Beau Ramsey:
Gunnshy & Gunn Peaks
Beau Ramsey:
Town of Gold Bar Below
Beau Ramsey:
Red Sky at dusk
Beau Ramsey:
Last bit of sun
Beau Ramsey:
Sunset from the trail
Beau Ramsey:
Northwest face alpenglow
Beau Ramsey:
Persis Northwest face Alpenglow
Beau Ramsey:
Glacier Peak Alpenglow
Beau Ramsey:
Glissading our way home
Beau Ramsey:
Descening into the snow covered tarns
Beau Ramsey:
Open Evening Views
Beau Ramsey:
Beautiful Evening
Beau Ramsey:
Holding Rainier
Beau Ramsey:
Summit Footlong
Beau Ramsey:
Vast Open Slopes
Beau Ramsey:
Mt Persis True Summit