Miss Krin:
First day back
Miss Krin:
Me, on a ferry
Miss Krin:
Me, snowified
Miss Krin:
Testing the new camera
Miss Krin:
Slightly creepy Santa needs a hug
Miss Krin:
I think the snowman has the best smile
Miss Krin:
On a train journey to the west
Miss Krin:
Miss Krin:
Cutting up the squashed sushi to be more easily eaten
Miss Krin:
Home cooked sushi
Miss Krin:
Partially completed grounds floor
Miss Krin:
not yet opened
Miss Krin:
new shirt!
Miss Krin:
Happy fuzzy critter. and me.
Miss Krin:
current and former DJs of Loathing
Miss Krin:
Miss Krin:
Daisy chain ear-ring