Miss Krin: cutting the Ashworth family pudding
Miss Krin: Odd birdhouse
Miss Krin: Preparing Ammunition
Miss Krin: post-lunch mother
Miss Krin: Carving the turkey
Miss Krin: Father and Daughter
Miss Krin: Santa'd Sister
Miss Krin: Wine in a... vase??
Miss Krin: Prepping lunch
Miss Krin: mmmm, real coffee!
Miss Krin: my brother, the boxhead
Miss Krin: Preparing ammunition
Miss Krin: in the midst of battle
Miss Krin: perusing the santa sack
Miss Krin: Confusion
Miss Krin: Everyone needs a serving tray for nuts!
Miss Krin: Zack assists the unnwrapping
Miss Krin: relaxing
Miss Krin: Mango good
Miss Krin: ham!
Miss Krin: Parentis Mentor
Miss Krin: she is better at this than I am
Miss Krin: Surveying the surf
Miss Krin: My brother of the cheesy grin