Kevin Church:
Doc vs Breakfast. He's winning.
Kevin Church:
This is where we had breakfast.
Kevin Church:
Scott Wegener discusses MODOK.
Kevin Church:
Aaron, excited over Avengers issues.
Kevin Church:
Hello, Jim.
Kevin Church:
Mike, being a goof.
Kevin Church:
Going through back issues.
Kevin Church:
Aaron, smirking.
Kevin Church:
At the con.
Kevin Church:
Abandoned electronics.
Kevin Church:
A shrine.
Kevin Church:
Doc thinks I need to shut up now.
Kevin Church:
Saint Doc The First.
Kevin Church:
Doc, detail shot.
Kevin Church:
Me, at Spice and Rice.
Kevin Church:
Me, at Spice and Rice.
Kevin Church:
Doc at Spice and Rice
Kevin Church:
Cross-processed Cambridge Roofs.
Kevin Church:
Pirates of Coney Island comics!
Kevin Church:
Kevin Church:
The alley next to La Contessa.