Kevin Church:
Yes, David is British.
Kevin Church:
The kimono is actually *Canadian*.
Kevin Church:
Kitty as Jean Grey.
Kevin Church:
Even Jedi need Pizza, even if they're hanging out with 70s perverts.
Kevin Church:
Craig was Borat. Not a huge stretch, weirdly.
Kevin Church:
Rogue, Gambit.
Kevin Church:
Tusken Raider.
Kevin Church:
She was an excellent dancer.
Kevin Church:
Bob and Erin. Dear God.
Kevin Church:
Speed Racer and Batman.
Kevin Church:
Kitty dances. (Very well, I might add.)
Kevin Church:
Whenever Munson tries to look evil, he just looks sleepy.
Kevin Church:
Mike is full of joy.
Kevin Church:
Gary, stop looking at me like that.
Kevin Church:
Stop taking my picture!
Kevin Church:
Britney, Britney, Britney. Oh dear.
Kevin Church:
L'il Logan!
Kevin Church:
Two of the Planeteers.
Kevin Church:
Hello, Nathalie.
Kevin Church:
L'il Logan, Again.
Kevin Church:
Roel reflects on his Kryptonian Heritage. (No, really.)
Kevin Church:
Jem and a friend get down.
Kevin Church:
Looking over the crowd.
Kevin Church:
This Planeteer was in brownface. Seriously.
Kevin Church:
Hi, Awesome Andy!
Kevin Church:
A to the V.
Kevin Church:
Xena dances?!? Wha?
Kevin Church:
Kevin Church:
"I came as someone who cares about basketball."
Kevin Church: