Kevin Church: Day one.
Kevin Church: Just after the lunch break.
Kevin Church: Lazing about on the bike.
Kevin Church: Boss does work.
Kevin Church: Oh dear sweet baby jesus my eyes.
Kevin Church: I just like the way the necklaces glow.
Kevin Church: I'm sure this is a high-powered deal in the making.
Kevin Church: NORMAL PEOPLE!!!
Kevin Church: Those pants?
Kevin Church: Disco Stu!
Kevin Church: Blah blah blah.
Kevin Church: Art Garfunkel tells a story.
Kevin Church: Color!
Kevin Church: The people in costume.
Kevin Church: "Who my ho?"
Kevin Church: Somebody's getting smacked.
Kevin Church: Black and white.
Kevin Church: Pimps Up.
Kevin Church: Disco May Be Dead...
Kevin Church: The next morning...
Kevin Church: I swear, the girl in the middle is cute..