beattyphotos: Steve and Linda
beattyphotos: Stephen152
beattyphotos: neighborhood kids
beattyphotos: Mary, Robert &friends
beattyphotos: John and Francis wedding
beattyphotos: Jeanette, Khristine and dad212
beattyphotos: Grandma Matilde and grandkids
beattyphotos: Grandma Matilde and families
beattyphotos: Grandma Grandpa Baker
beattyphotos: Georgia and GPa GMa Baker
beattyphotos: family at GMa Matillde Beatty
beattyphotos: Delhi school Frank and Carlos
beattyphotos: Danny @ Wakefield lot
beattyphotos: Mom, Dad & relatives136
beattyphotos: Mom, Dad & relatives
beattyphotos: Matilde and Carlos
beattyphotos: Uncle Stephen 155
beattyphotos: Uncle Stephen 154
beattyphotos: Uncle Stephen
beattyphotos: Uncle Stephen 157
beattyphotos: dad with friends
beattyphotos: Carlos the baby
beattyphotos: Carlos and Georgia
beattyphotos: Buck and his VW
beattyphotos: Basketball team
beattyphotos: 5 generation photo