beatrice bl and Col: my name is Chloé ...
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5791 no escape
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé encore toute petite
beatrice bl and Col: chat perché ....... Chloé sur le toit
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP0326 chloe soft
beatrice bl and Col: contorsions ... on s'amuse
beatrice bl and Col: j'aime bien me reposer sur les coussins
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP0455 an attentive chloe
beatrice bl and Col: chloe approaches
beatrice bl and Col: chloe looks down on her world
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé adore poser pour Flickr
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé 6 mois et demi
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé et l'azalée
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé et la tortue
beatrice bl and Col: did I look better now ?
beatrice bl and Col: give me more
beatrice bl and Col: c'est NON .... NON .... et NON
beatrice bl and Col: together always black and white
beatrice bl and Col: chloe je te tire la langue
beatrice bl and Col: chloe est très très joueuse
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé a sommeil
beatrice bl and Col: Chloé joue à chat perché
beatrice bl and Col: je descends ....!!!!! mais je fais attention