beatrice bl and Col: un petit minou à Bayeux PHOTO N° 501 !!!!
beatrice bl and Col: " robin" le rouge gorge
beatrice bl and Col: les oiseaux de Colby à TYC
beatrice bl and Col: caterpillar ballet
beatrice bl and Col: le criquet Jiminy
beatrice bl and Col: bourdon sur la sauge ....
beatrice bl and Col: praying mantis 1 cropped version
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5924 ed
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5921 Well it was good for me. How was it for you
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5920 ed
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5889 ed
beatrice bl and Col: IMGP5872 edited
beatrice bl and Col: cygne et son reflet ..........
beatrice bl and Col: escargot de bourgogne ? N o n ....
beatrice bl and Col: me to the left and you to the right !!!!
beatrice bl and Col: un papillon sur le lilas
beatrice bl and Col: from mike 1
beatrice bl and Col: coucou .... c'est moi
beatrice bl and Col: une petite visite hier matin
beatrice bl and Col: une visite chez Colby ... écureuil ...... red squirrel .... esquilo
beatrice bl and Col: red squirrel
beatrice bl and Col: red squirrel
beatrice bl and Col: red squirrel_écureuil chez Colby
beatrice bl and Col: rencontré à Toulouse ...
beatrice bl and Col: Castille en visite à Colby
beatrice bl and Col: mes voisins ....
beatrice bl and Col: maman et son bébé