Beatriz-c: The problems were left behind
Beatriz-c: The canvas of heaven
Beatriz-c: Attraction
Beatriz-c: Your light, my passion
Beatriz-c: When the sun is hiding the old legends about pirates emerge from the sea
Beatriz-c: Far from me the disease of competing ... I just want to breathe.
Beatriz-c: The light, that sweet chain that captures our dreams.
Beatriz-c: I don't die every night to make you cry, but to bring you new illusions every dawn
Beatriz-c: I know where I want to go ... my dreams are like rock castles in a world of sand
Beatriz-c: Observing a photograph of the sea is like looking at a ship in a glass bottle, it does not come close to reality, but it offers us a framework with which to dream
Beatriz-c: And when the sea sings to me, the sirens voices are silent
Beatriz-c: Light hurts those who move in the shadows and discover their movements
Beatriz-c: The light paints with the heartl_corazon_flickr_info
Beatriz-c: The Sun gives us a thousand sunsets even knowing that he will never see one
Beatriz-c: Silence is the only answer I have to the questions that the universe proposes to me because its beauty makes me mute
Beatriz-c: I have come to appreciate the idea that the nature that surrounds us looks so beautiful because the light of a star illuminates it
Beatriz-c: Nature has the beautiful ability to shout that I am alive. He sings to me between subtle light tones and roars of the sea. Intones a hypnotic melody that numbs my fears and recharges my illusions
Beatriz-c: Wait a few minutes ... patience, the mystery will be revealed soon ... the adventure is in the light
Beatriz-c: I want the time to stop at this moment. I want to close my eyes and find a better world when I return to my home.
Beatriz-c: They are volcano tears, rocked by the sea and covered by the sun, shine again
Beatriz-c: One of those magical moments that invites to breathe deeply to let the light seduce as an whisper new illusions to the sky
Beatriz-c: Powerful are the strokes of the sea and warm those of light. What beautiful paintings they paint when they embrace
Beatriz-c: I long for those moments when we imagine adventures written with light.
Beatriz-c: The universe stretches an arc that shoots arrows of light and that reach our hearts if we are willing to see.
Beatriz-c: Roaring among the waves come uncertainties ... and beneath them, keeping silent, a new opportunity to do better
Beatriz-c: I wanted to talk to the Sun but I was speechless
Beatriz-c: Between the clouds I capture moments to keep them in my heart
Beatriz-c: Like fire, reasons to love life emerge from the light.
Beatriz-c: The future is a book with blank pages ... and your light is the pen with which I want to write it.
Beatriz-c: This is a magical place where the shadows reach out to the light to paint for a moment