Eric Slatkin: if reno could be summarized by a mural
Eric Slatkin: the buffet closes at 3pm [altered]
Eric Slatkin: totally unphased
Eric Slatkin: altered [altered]
Eric Slatkin: brings back bad memories of when i used to play the ice harp
Eric Slatkin: bathroom etiquette
Eric Slatkin: railroad station [est 1911]
Eric Slatkin: they love nevada.
Eric Slatkin: when things start looking up for you in reno
Eric Slatkin: introducing amy --- the photocopied poster remover from light poles--ninja.
Eric Slatkin: boring.
Eric Slatkin: basic.
Eric Slatkin: do you have any grape jelly remover--for photo albums.
Eric Slatkin: i never knew that Electric Shock Cloud had a face...or that he was kid killer.
Eric Slatkin: im still scratching my head.
Eric Slatkin: this is what happens when you try double fisting a red bull and a cock in a parking lot - for 10 dollars, so you can enjoy 11.16 minutes of fun on penny slots while inhaling an intricate varietal of burnt tobacco products
Eric Slatkin: not worth the _ _ _ _
Eric Slatkin: open door policy?
Eric Slatkin: you're always a winner in reno.
Eric Slatkin: not staged.
Eric Slatkin: hydrate
Eric Slatkin: its a circus outside
Eric Slatkin: but seriously, investing in reno real estate has never been more affordable. this place doesn't even have electricity yet.