Eric Slatkin: he's on fire.
Eric Slatkin: 2 of 2: entrails
Eric Slatkin: 1 of 2: cover
Eric Slatkin: Featuring Birds
Eric Slatkin: make me a rich white man in power or Bust...
Eric Slatkin: its served a variable degree of purposes since I've known it
Eric Slatkin: i think i saw something like this in NHL '94 on my sega genesis
Eric Slatkin: a twinkie with chocolate filling?
Eric Slatkin: its really just a poll and some light.
Eric Slatkin: muffins
Eric Slatkin: I preferred her when she was fucking her balding high school teacher
Eric Slatkin: what other caption could you think of
Eric Slatkin: a familiar face on the ground in sf
Eric Slatkin: found: $1.00 rack outside at bookstore on clement st.
Eric Slatkin: found: $1.00 rack-in this book of sisters, clement st.
Eric Slatkin: baby boomer rose stayed out in the sun too long
Eric Slatkin: skip jumpin' color changin' soul
Eric Slatkin: finding refuge in abstraction
Eric Slatkin: on a higher bus of existence
Eric Slatkin: live your life in low light
Eric Slatkin: pan seared nicotine was last week
Eric Slatkin: lost in patterns
Eric Slatkin: 24million colors beside the trash
Eric Slatkin: electric hula hoop stop sign
Eric Slatkin: alexa through water glass
Eric Slatkin: alexa through empty sierra nevada
Eric Slatkin: alexa through stella artois
Eric Slatkin: jihad tree shadow blur
Eric Slatkin: so many monitors, so little spray paint