Keith P Sheridan: Green Sea Turtle
Keith P Sheridan: Spotted Moray
Keith P Sheridan: Naso Tang
Keith P Sheridan: Moorish Idol
Keith P Sheridan: Unicorn Tang
Keith P Sheridan: Maui Ocean Center
Keith P Sheridan: A Real Unicorn
Keith P Sheridan: Frog Fish
Keith P Sheridan: Through the Glass
Keith P Sheridan: Green Sea Turtle
Keith P Sheridan: Green Sea Turtle
Keith P Sheridan: Hammerhead
Keith P Sheridan: Jellyfish
Keith P Sheridan: Upsidedown Jellyfish
Keith P Sheridan: The Big Tank
Keith P Sheridan: Spotted Eagle Ray
Keith P Sheridan: Tiger Shark
Keith P Sheridan: Bubble Coral
Keith P Sheridan: Stubby Stingray