bearshapedsphere: waiting patiently
bearshapedsphere: very excited about the globo
bearshapedsphere: papa e hija, holding tight
bearshapedsphere: sun kissed
bearshapedsphere: future voter of chile
bearshapedsphere: orange parasols
bearshapedsphere: huasa jumping
bearshapedsphere: flying a kite
bearshapedsphere: tiny spectator
bearshapedsphere: looking up
bearshapedsphere: niña, pedaleando
bearshapedsphere: father looks on while child ambushes goose
bearshapedsphere: the darling (too bad about the typo)
bearshapedsphere: the darling again
bearshapedsphere: communist baby under that bandana
bearshapedsphere: just some little moppet I found
bearshapedsphere: hot day, quinta normal
bearshapedsphere: The littlest skateboarder 3
bearshapedsphere: mama and daughter, headbands
bearshapedsphere: He will eat her head oneday. Just not today
bearshapedsphere: L, eating tomatoes
bearshapedsphere: L, playing with chickens