Menage a Moi:
The Fruitmarket Edinburgh 15 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Yarkhill Herefordshire 1 May 2006
Menage a Moi:
The Scott Monument Edinburgh 16 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Newcastle Station 16 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Rose Street Edinburgh 16 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Edinburgh 15 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Stoke Lacy Herefordshire 1 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Baltic Gateshead 23 July 2006
Menage a Moi:
Fort Picklecombe - Cornwall
Menage a Moi:
The Barbican - Plymouth
Menage a Moi:
Faversham - Kent
Menage a Moi:
Geek in a Hat