Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
The black spruce is a symbol of this part of Interior Alaska. It's a small, twisted sturdy plant that can survive cold weather and permafrost.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
Black spruce along the Glenn Highway on the road to Glennallen.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
This is a heavily-coned, thick coastal spruce tree from the Kenai Peninsula.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
This is a spruce tree in the Copper Valley. Its needles are dull-green and dry, even in summertime. There are no "pines" in this part of Alaska.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
Birch trees, which are common in Anchorage, the Matanuska Valley and Fairbanks, are rare in the Copper Valley.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
There are very few types of trees in the Copper Valley. This is a quaking aspen.
Alaska's Bearfoot Magazines:
Many people are unfamiliar with trees, and confuse quaking aspen with birch trees in Alaska.