Bear Butt Comics: I'm just waiting for the bus.
Bear Butt Comics: Harley with a big hammer
Bear Butt Comics: Cross dressing Aquaman
Bear Butt Comics: Stan Lee!!!
Bear Butt Comics: Picture of Jeff (oh yeah, Stan Lee in the background)
Bear Butt Comics: Look, its Stan Lee
Bear Butt Comics: The Comedian
Bear Butt Comics: Black Widow
Bear Butt Comics: dragoncon and a little dominatrix
Bear Butt Comics: The classic Phantom
Bear Butt Comics: The original Green Lantern
Bear Butt Comics: Supergirl
Bear Butt Comics: spartan-esque costume
Bear Butt Comics: Wolverine and Captain America
Bear Butt Comics: SpiderWoman
Bear Butt Comics: Family Dread
Bear Butt Comics: Chainmail chick
Bear Butt Comics: steampunk
Bear Butt Comics: Dean Venture and Venture
Bear Butt Comics: Superman shopping
Bear Butt Comics: Robin and Nightwing,
Bear Butt Comics: Don't know what he is, but he shows up again later
Bear Butt Comics: Mad Hatter
Bear Butt Comics: the real geek challenge
Bear Butt Comics: Ahh henchmen
Bear Butt Comics: I don't know what that is
Bear Butt Comics: dragoncon and Atlanta 2010 012
Bear Butt Comics: dragoncon and Atlanta 2010 017
Bear Butt Comics: dragoncon and Atlanta 2010 078