beanplum: Cultural Center - Gallery
beanplum: Cultural Center - Garland Court
beanplum: Windy Navy Pier 1
beanplum: Windy Navy Pier 2
beanplum: Windy Navy Pier 3
beanplum: Windy Navy Pier 5
beanplum: Caution: Slick Road!
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sculpture Court.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sol LeWitt1.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sol LeWitt2.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sol LeWitt3.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sol LeWitt4.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Sol LeWitt5.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, 18th Cent Folly.jpg
beanplum: Allen Mus., Mediaeval Music.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Mediaeval Art.jpg
beanplum: Allen Museum, Exterior.jpg
beanplum: Hall Auditorium, Portico.jpg
beanplum: Hall Auditorium, Structures.jpg
beanplum: Oberlin Coed Gateway.jpg
beanplum: Oberlin, Pruning Challenge.jpg
beanplum: Future Underground RR Center.jpg
beanplum: Weia Teia Dinner1.jpg
beanplum: Weia Teia Dinner2.jpg
beanplum: Weia Teia Dinner3.jpg
beanplum: Weia Teia Dinner4.jpg
beanplum: U of C Duels1
beanplum: U of C Duels2
beanplum: U of C Duels3
beanplum: U of C Duels4