Malaya Pradhan: In a parallel Universe, the sun is a Shiny Disco Ball and the sparkly sea is the dance floor for some twinkle-toes.
Malaya Pradhan: Riding the Waves
Malaya Pradhan: "Lovely weather, eh?"
Malaya Pradhan: Night sky and lit up sky scrapers.
Malaya Pradhan: Oh shoot!
Malaya Pradhan: What's cooking??
Malaya Pradhan: IMG_3581
Malaya Pradhan: What the!!!
Malaya Pradhan: Somewhere between darkness and light, somewhere between cold and warm, lies the horizon. Cutting through us.
Malaya Pradhan: Guarded Skies
Malaya Pradhan: A Morning Like This...
Malaya Pradhan: Nataraja
Malaya Pradhan: "Glass half empty, half full?" It's all good as long as the glass has some spirit in it, right?
Malaya Pradhan: A fine day!
Malaya Pradhan: At the end of a tough day, came a sunset like this.
Malaya Pradhan: Taj Mahal Hotel (Old Wing), Mumbai
Malaya Pradhan: Tricolor
Malaya Pradhan: A stony path awaits... But what have I to fear? My feet have walked a thousand miles already :)
Malaya Pradhan: At the Beach
Malaya Pradhan: Ah! Beer!
Malaya Pradhan: The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire. - Pamela Hansford Johnson
Malaya Pradhan: Atlas of a different kind...
Malaya Pradhan: Retired...