beancounter: squares and diamonds
beancounter: Light rail
beancounter: Light rail
beancounter: Hidden
beancounter: Union rally
beancounter: Union rally
beancounter: My lunchroom
beancounter: 9th & J haze 062308
beancounter: River Cats dress
beancounter: Nice beads!
beancounter: Iraq body count flags
beancounter: Well-dressed Sac tourists
beancounter: Mural on 14th and O
beancounter: May Day
beancounter: Library and Courts staircase
beancounter: Archway
beancounter: CalTrans atrium
beancounter: Get Your Groove On
beancounter: Tunnels under the street
beancounter: Juxtaposition
beancounter: Education
beancounter: RT trolley
beancounter: Luck
beancounter: Darth Vader in blue
beancounter: cacti and poppy
beancounter: H St bldg b&w
beancounter: Spring comes to Sacto
beancounter: State Archive Building
beancounter: State Library
beancounter: Fall Display